An Invitation To Being Prophetic AND Being Well.
Five thoughts about the nature of Spirit that could change the way you hear him in your daily life.
It’s easy to forget that when we begin praying, we’re really just joining in.
What if there’s no such thing as silence, only our tuning into the world the way God has created it to speak to us?
It may sound strange to you, but I suspect more of us treat God like a commodity to be bought, sold and traded than we’d care to admit.
Five thoughts about the nature of Spirit that could change the way you hear him in your daily life.
It can take time for the silty noise of modern life to settle to the bottom of our crowded souls.
Yup, that’s God speaking.
We left those evening's together with arms slightly wider toward the stranger and hearts just that little more warmed by the closeness of a Father some were worried had abandoned them.
What I'm about to tell you may sound simple but it has huge ramifications.
"Poetry doesn’t so much tell us something we never knew as bring into recognition what is latent, forgotten, overlooked, or suppressed" - Eugene Peterson.
Before the sickest and weakest of the lot, we find Jesus denying us the right to the temptation of perfection and turning the tables on the popular power structures of this present age.
"How can you draw close to God when you are far from your own self?" - Augustine, Confessions (ad 500).
Great songs don't tell the listener what they want to say, they show them with beautiful imagery. Learning to hear God in that same way is meant to be a natural part of our spirituality.
Acknowledging our turmoil is the first step, making it bow before the Father of hope is the next.
It's hard to come back from a vacuum with God. It's hard to convince ourselves afresh that the reason for our existence is not primarily to prove our self-worth.
Prophecy is the act of revealing Christ to a particular people, in a particular place, at a particular time.